Saturday, July 30, 2011

My World, Your World, Our World

Hello World! :)

As I stated before, I'm just an average female in this world. A female that loves sports especially volleyball, a female who gets decent grades, a female that just has an ordinary life on this planet. Nothing all so special like being a genius like einstein, or a 15 year old in college. But I'm sure this world has something special to offer me and others too.
I don't really know what gave me the inspiration to create a blog this morning, but this is the first time I've blogged something. This blog might just be read by a handful of people, but that's okay. I just want to create a memory for my words, my thoughts, and my life. I hope that the people who read my posts will enjoy it and have a smile on their faces.
Let's all hope for a brighter future ahead of us, with the past as a pleasant memory.

~My World


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