Monday, September 5, 2011

Wildlife Conservation Group: Sea Shepard

For the fans of the TV show, "Whale Wars", on Animal Plant, many of you are very familiar with the Sea Shepard Conservation Society. For the people who aren't familiar with them. Here's a quick introduction. The Sea Shepard Conversation Society was founded by Captain Paul Watson in 1977. They are an internation non-profit, marine wildlife conservatoin organization. Their goal and mission is to bring an end to the destruction of habitat and harm of wildlife throughout the world's oceans. They do this in order to conserve and protect the ecosystems and species on this planet. The Sea Shepard investigates, documents, and takes action when necessary to end illegal activities in the seas. The Sea Shepard's work is to ensure the survival of our ocean ecosystems for future generations.

They save all sorts of marine animals, from whales all the way to seals. This organization is amazing. Their work is so inspiring and incredible. They've shut down 9 illegal whaling vessels, saving thousands of whales. They've also made their voice heard by the world, by documenting their campaigns. Men and women volunteers that go on the campaigns of the Sea Shepard, all risk their lives and leave their families back home to save the marine animals. They take bold action to bring illegal slaughterings and harm to a hault. Despite regulations and attemps of prevention by governments, the Sea Shepard still boldly challenges the government and keeps pursuing their mission. In my mind, I think that nothing will stop them in doing what they want to do.  

Enough said by me. You guys should check out their website and watch a few episodes of "Whale Wars". Help Sea Shepard by getting involved in their cause. I hope that they contiune to do what they do best, helping this world for the generations to come. And I really just want to thank them for their hard work and effort in protecting this precious world's natural marine habitats.

~My World

(photos credited to their owners)