Monday, September 5, 2011

Wildlife Conservation Group: Sea Shepard

For the fans of the TV show, "Whale Wars", on Animal Plant, many of you are very familiar with the Sea Shepard Conservation Society. For the people who aren't familiar with them. Here's a quick introduction. The Sea Shepard Conversation Society was founded by Captain Paul Watson in 1977. They are an internation non-profit, marine wildlife conservatoin organization. Their goal and mission is to bring an end to the destruction of habitat and harm of wildlife throughout the world's oceans. They do this in order to conserve and protect the ecosystems and species on this planet. The Sea Shepard investigates, documents, and takes action when necessary to end illegal activities in the seas. The Sea Shepard's work is to ensure the survival of our ocean ecosystems for future generations.

They save all sorts of marine animals, from whales all the way to seals. This organization is amazing. Their work is so inspiring and incredible. They've shut down 9 illegal whaling vessels, saving thousands of whales. They've also made their voice heard by the world, by documenting their campaigns. Men and women volunteers that go on the campaigns of the Sea Shepard, all risk their lives and leave their families back home to save the marine animals. They take bold action to bring illegal slaughterings and harm to a hault. Despite regulations and attemps of prevention by governments, the Sea Shepard still boldly challenges the government and keeps pursuing their mission. In my mind, I think that nothing will stop them in doing what they want to do.  

Enough said by me. You guys should check out their website and watch a few episodes of "Whale Wars". Help Sea Shepard by getting involved in their cause. I hope that they contiune to do what they do best, helping this world for the generations to come. And I really just want to thank them for their hard work and effort in protecting this precious world's natural marine habitats.

~My World

(photos credited to their owners)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Contacts Vs. Glasses

Many people now have vision problems. Some people are nearsighted (myopia), while others are farsighted (hyperopia). There are many more, and probably some that have not been discovered yet. Well for people who are nearsighted or farsighted, they either use contacts or glasses to see 20/20. I am personally nearsighted and I have both glasses and contacts. This post is to sort of break down the pros and cons of contacts and glasses.

I'll start off with glasses. Glasses are frames that have lenses in them. They are worn in front of the eye. Now a days they have different designs, color, etc. for the frames to make them more fashionable.

The pros for glasses is that you can be able to see clearly again. You don't have to clean them daily like contacts. You simply just put them on and take them off. There is a less risk of getting eye infection because the lens isn't in your eye, rather just in front of you. Glasses may be cheaper then contacts in some cases. Glasses give you more of a solid vision because you are looking through a solid piece of plastic. When they are fitted properly, they can be comfortable.

Glasses can be bulky if you have thick lenses and it may not have a great fit to your face. It can slide off you face and sometimes create discomfort in your ears and nose. The distance between your eye and the lens of the glasses can create distortion in your vision. You also get poor peripheral vision. To see something to the side clearly, you would need to move your whole head. Glasses can also hinder your concentration during sport games or sports in general. They also fog up during temperature changes and can be a hassle when you are in rain or snow. If you like to wear sunglasses, you would have to purchase another pair with a prescription in them which can be costly.

Next are contact lenses. Contact lenses are lenses placed at the cornea of your eye. It makes direct contact with your eye. There are many different types. For example, corrective contact lenses (hard contacts) are for vision correction and can improve vision. Some people also use color contacts with no prescription in them they are called "decorative contact lenses" or just simply "colored contacts."
There are also soft contacts which are designed for short periods of usage and are disposable.

There are many positive aspects of contacts. You can see the entire view and have a full range of vision. There are no obstructions and distortions are reduced. There isn't any discomfort on your nose or ears. There is no weight associated to contact lenses. There is also no longer a barrier and distraction during sport games for athletes. Contacts are suitable for rainy or snowy forecast. You can buy cheap non-presciption sunglasses. Hard contacts can improve your vision. There are also daily or weekly disposable soft contact lenses. And no one will know that you're wearing contacts unless you tell them.

With pros, there are also cons. Contacts have to be very well kept because make contact with your eye. Sometimes if you rub your eye, they can fall out. If they aren't well kept, your eye can be infected. Contacts give you clear vision, but they aren't as consistent as glasses. They can create discomfort in some people's eyes. And they can take time to get used to. It also takes time to learn how to put in and take out contacts. Contacts can be a little more expensive then glasses.

Contacts and glasses have many things that they both have. They both help with your vision and let you be able to see clearly again. They both can break, except if a contact rips in your eye it is gonna really hurt. Glasses now are all made shatter resistance, but they can get scratched and broken too. They both can be comfortable and have their discomforts at times.

Overall, if you are just wearing glasses to read or for limited amounts of time, glasses are probably better. However, if you are wearing glasses for a long period of time and you play a lot of sports, contacts may be better for you. It all depends on your personal preference. For children, maybe starting with glasses can be a better idea because contacts need them to be very careful. Children tend to be more "careless" so the chance of an eye infection can be higher. Even if you do decide on getting contacts, a pair of backup glasses are recommended just in case something happens with your contacts. I didn't list all of the pros and cons for each, but I wrote down the main ones. Going to your optometrist to see what is best for you is the best.

~My World
(photos credited to all their owners)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kdrama: Secret Garden Review

I actually finished Secret Garden awhile ago. And I've decided to do a review about it.

For those of you who have watched Secret Garden, you'll understand. If you haven't, maybe first reading an overview will make it easier.

 FINALLY A KOREAN DRAMA WITH SOMETHING NEW(ish). The other dramas are usually just a rich guy and poor girl fall in love or vise versa. YAY?! No. I've got to admit that this drama does have a rich guy and less fortunate girl fall in love girl with each other. And also has many similar concepts that every other Korean Drama carries. But all of that makes up what a Korean Drama is. What makes this drama unique is that it has more of a twist in plot. It twists the lives and fate of the characters. The writer and producers turn a simple concept of having the characters "swap" bodies to an idea that is more interwinding and complex.

Now for my opinion. I loved it. I have to say that the actors'/actresses' acting in this drama are pretty amazing. That's because it's much harder to act when a male actor has to act like a female and vise versa when they "swap"  bodies. The female lead, Gil Ra Im, played by Ha Ji Won has some serious skills with all the tough stunts that she does. On the other hand, the male lead Kim Joo Won, played by Hyun Bin has female viewers all falling in love with the character that he plays and him. Oh and you can't forget about Joo Won's 'Bling Bling' tracksuit and the other tracksuits he wore.  The tracksuit has become a popular item among korean pop idols as well as the general public too. Another main part that makes a Korean Drama is an evil and annoying character in the drama. And of course, it's Joo Won's mother. That old hag is seriously just a ..... Honestly, at the end she approves of her grandchildren, but not Gil Ra Im. Maybe it is because of her pride, but whatever, in my mind, if she doesn't approve of Gil Ra Im, she's still evil.

I was in tears when Joo Won decided to sacrifice his life in exchange to have Ra Im live. That twisted near ending ACTUALLY works and fits with the drama. Not like some other dramas where they try to add a twist at the end, but it just sucks. The ending of this drama was satisfying. Of course not everything was perfect, but I'm happy that the writer let Joo Won and Ra Im both live. And live "happily ever after."

For those of you who haven't watched this Korean Drama yet. You're missing out on a lot. This is one of those must see dramas of 2010-2011. Episodes are available on YouTube as well as many other video sites.

~My World

(photos credited to all their owners)
P.S. Love to hear everyone elses' opinions on Secret Garden.

Parents Comparing Children With Other Children

All parents out there may not know that when they compare their own children with other children around them, it can lower a child's self esteem. It can sometimes also cause rivalry between friends or siblings. Maybe the parent's intentions weren't to "hurt" the child, but to encourage them to be more like the other child. However, all children are different. They learn at different paces, they all are good at different things, they are all special in their own way.

 Let's say that your child, Steve, isn't good with academics and your co-worker's child, Brandon, always aces tests. You tell your child, "Honey, look at Brandon, you should learn from him and study more and have better grades in school just like him." To Brandon, it is a praise, on the other hand, your child might feel down and very frustrated. Yes, maybe Brandon is very good at academics. So what? Steve could be better at Brandon at sports. My point is that all children are unique in their own way. And are maybe better at other things then the child that they are compared with. Everyone has a special talent.

 Children always want to make their parents proud. And they like to hear praise. Likewise, no parent wants to be compared to another parent right? When a child tells their parent, "Look at Florence's parents, they always take her out for ice cream, why can't you be more like Florence's parents?" Of course the parent would feel pretty upset that first off, their child is comparing them, and second unappreciative for all the things they do for the child. So when you take that in account, it's the same thing with children. Kids want to be helped and loved, not compared with other children.

Although I am an only child, and have never experience comparison of a sibling, I've often heard from friends about when they get compared with their sibling. They are hurt on the inside and sometimes can't get it out of themselves to tell their parents. I personally have been compared against friends who are smarter then me. Yes, it does make me frustrated, however I've learned as I've grown up to take those comparisons and look at them in a different perspective. Look at them as more of  goals for me to reach, rather then hatred and "jealousy" that someone else is better then me. But for young children, their thoughts probably haven't progressed to my level yet.

A key advice to all parents out there, please don't compare your children/child with other children. Your child will always be your child. I'm sure that all children love and cherish their parents, just like how their parents love and cherish them. I know I love my parents and are thankful for them. Always remember, differences are what makes your child/children unique. Differences is what makes this world a better place. Embrace these differences with all your heart.

Here's another interesting article that I read recently about comparing children:

~My World

(photo credit to

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kdrama: City Hunter Review

So I am a TOTAL FAN of Lee Min Ho. And a TOTAL FAN of Korean Dramas. Loved Lee Min Ho's acting ever since I watched the Korean Drama, Boys Over Flowers or Boys Before Flowers, with him as Gu Jun Pyo. Anyways, back to City Hunter. His new drama ,City Hunter, is AMAZING. Lee Min Ho's character in this drama is Lee Yun Seong. It is really suspenseful and it shows a different side of Lee Min Ho. *SPOILER ALERT* for City Hunter.

For people that have watched City Hunter, you've got to admit that once you start it, you're GLUED to it. I started it, and it was just like a book, where you just can't put the book down, but in this case, a Korean Drama.  Every Wednesday & Thursday for about 2 months (May 25 - July 28), I would just sit at my computer and just wait for people to upload it on YouTube. Of course, I don't understand korean, so I have to wait another EXTRA day for the english subtitles to come out. It all adds up to about 267 hours of waiting.

So recently the last episode came out. I was already sad that the drama was ending. But to add onto that sadness, the ending wasn't what I expected either. I was looking for a satisfying end to this wonderful drama, but what I got out of it was the opposite. It was an okay ending, not that brilliant but not really that bad either. It was kind of as if the writer of this drama was like, "It's the end, I'm done writing, my work is done, let's just give the viewers a lousy ending." But I shall not blame the writer because the other 19 episodes of this drama were incredible and kept me dying to watch until the last episode. The ending was also pretty vague in my opinion. There were a lot of loose ends at the end. For example, what happened to the ring that Lee Yun Seong's mother gave him? Maybe the writer wanted the viewers to have their own interpretation of what happen at the end. Everyone was looking forward to a bit more of the MinMin couple, but there wasn't much of that. They were just standing there and smiling at each other at the last scene. Like seriously, just standing and smiling. Interesting ending eh?  Skip to 2:25 to see the 360 degree filmed MinMin couple smile to each other.

But I'm happy that everything ends "well", and Lee Yun Seong doesn't die. But I was sad that the persecutor died. He shouldn't of died even though I hated him for about 18 episodes. And to be honest, I don't really think Lee Jin Pyo should of died. These are all my opinions, and maybe if there wasn't death in this drama, then it wouldn't be as suspenseful and called City Hunter.

Overall I really enjoyed this drama. And I recommend it to everyone who is a Korean Drama lover, a Lee Min Ho fan, a person who is bored, etc. For a quick synopsis:
If you want to watch it, YouTube has all the episodes with english subtitles.

~My World

(photos credited to all their owners)
P.S. Please comment. I really want to know about other people's views and opinions of the last episode of City Hunter or the drama as a whole.

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My World, Your World, Our World

Hello World! :)

As I stated before, I'm just an average female in this world. A female that loves sports especially volleyball, a female who gets decent grades, a female that just has an ordinary life on this planet. Nothing all so special like being a genius like einstein, or a 15 year old in college. But I'm sure this world has something special to offer me and others too.
I don't really know what gave me the inspiration to create a blog this morning, but this is the first time I've blogged something. This blog might just be read by a handful of people, but that's okay. I just want to create a memory for my words, my thoughts, and my life. I hope that the people who read my posts will enjoy it and have a smile on their faces.
Let's all hope for a brighter future ahead of us, with the past as a pleasant memory.

~My World